cold and windy

It was so windy that the church's crucifix fell over. 
That wind brought all the cold into my office because we had the doors and windows wide open to allow ample air circulation as Brett checked out the hot water heater and then for hours later to allow any aerosols to disburse. 

He reset it. We'll give it a couple of days, but if it needs replacing it sounds like it can be done quickly. When Brett saw the water heater he exclaimed, he hadn't been expecting one so old. It isn't even an old house but it is older than household appliances usually last. 

Sharing food is sensible because it is best fresh. It also makes holidays feel better. Really I'm just sparing myself an extra week of leftovers ;-)

The one neighbor frequently shares food with me, whenever she's made too much. The other neighbor came to our party when we celebrated our marriage being legal and tried to help me learn Spanish (until I realized I couldn't understand her accent at all and that while she might be a great Chemistry teacher she was not a great Spanish teacher). 

I don't want you thinking too highly of me. 

Someone gave me this ornament from the White House. The White House Historical Association makes a new one every year. 

Speaking of the White House, the president told the GSA to allow Biden transition cooperation. It is a big deal. It shouldn't be, but maybe things will calm down a bit. 

I agreed to give a presentation Monday. I chose Parametric Insurance to Reduce Climate Change Risk to Renewable Energy Investments. Would you like to attend? 

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