Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

A bright morning

Last night we had another competition at our camera club zoom meeting, and it was judged by Paula's husband who I thought did a very fair job and managed to get through all the many entries in the allocated time. I did rather well which I was pleased about as I am starting to enter images that I think could go either way. (Images are judged without names of the photographer so no favoured bias there!)

I woke up early enough to photograph a possible sunrise but there was no sunrise, just dull skies and grey. However when I took Xena for a walk later on it was bright and we even had blue skies, and I have just noticed lovely pink cloud sin the sky so we must have had a good sunset - which I cannot see from our house. This is a photo of the colours in the trees at Black Pond.

I think I have completed my Christmas shopping, I just keep remembering little things I still need to buy - I am filling my own Christmas crackers this year, the rubbish they are filled with ends up in the bin and so I rather buy more useful things to put in them. 

Just finished the new William Boyd book, Trio - he has always been one of my favourite writers but I think I prefer his older books. While this was good it is not as memorable as some of his other books.

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