Secret Courtyard in the Snow

I have become enchanted with a special place in the library. On the way to the second floor arts and humanities library, there is a stairwell with a window that looks out upon a secret courtyard. The light is gorgeous there, especially in the late afternoon. I posted a black and white photo of this spot on February 6, and I've been back a number of times since then.

I commented in the February 6 posting that if you looked out the window into the light, you could see some trees in a secret courtyard that even I did not know how to get to. One of my astute blip friends commented about looking forward to the pictures of that secret courtyard. :-)

Never one to let mysteries remain mysteries, I went back to that spot on Tuesday, walked a few stairwells down, and found a door I had not noticed before - I opened it to find that it is the door to the secret courtyard! It was snowing at the time, and to keep the snow off my lens, I stuck my nose (and camera) out the door, snapped a few quick pictures, and stepped back inside.

Welcome to my secret courtyard in the snow!

There is no sign of them now, but I am betting that there may be flowers that grow in this secret courtyard, that I won't get to see until springtime comes. But rest assured that I will be back to check out what beauties spring brings to the secret courtyard . . .

The song to accompany this picture is an instrumental tune, Song from a Secret Garden, by the Irish-Norwegian duo Secret Garden. I found this quote by one of the members of the duo, and I liked it so much that I'm including it here.

"The idea of Secret Garden is one that everyone can relate to. We all have landscapes inside us, secret rooms where feelings and impressions grow as a little garden. We have individual ways of finding this garden. Some talk about it, write poems or letters, paint, or even talk a walk to reflect over life. We all have our own way. But what is common to us, is a strong emotional feeling that is an essential part of our nature. My way of dealing with this is through music, and everything I write comes from my secret garden." - Rolf Løvland.

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