The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Christmas Is Coming

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

It was announced last night that we can form a 3 household bubble (for 5 days) over Christmas. This is brilliant news but poses a slight problem - although there would only be 10 of us altogether, we are from 5 different households.

As Christmas dinner is at our house, I think the only fair way to decide who gets an invitation is by an elimination competition - The X(mas) Factor. Family members contestants would have to dress as elves and play Chubby Bunny*. Except with Brussels sprouts. They have to show us how much they want it!


*Just in case you aren’t familiar with Chubby Bunny - it’s a game where the players stuff increasing numbers of marshmallows into their mouths and try to say “Chubby Bunny.” A player is eliminated when they can no longer pronounce Chubby Bunny coherently.

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