Alright down there...

The cat and puppy are getting there.  The cat has learnt that height is his friend and tends to look down with typical cat disdain. The puppy just wants to play, which is only greeted with more disdain. 

The youngest wasn't happy about going to school, he has developed a 'thing' against PE and gets really upset on PE day, we're not sure why and the school say he is very happy with he has to do PE.  But the PE clothes were straight off when he came home and he kept asking if tomorrow is another PE day.  No idea what is going on there... 

The school are putting on a nativity play, they haven't said how they are going to manage this feat, but the eldest is going to be a guard.  He's awfully proud. 

Pretty productive day today, I'm surrounded by lists and am enjoying the delight of ticking things off. Simple pleasures! 

Today I'm grateful for: 
Almost there with the Christmas presents - and only one thing bought from Amazon, which I think is a pretty good achievement.  I'm starting to dislike them (not enough to not use them entirely...) 
Lunch time run, always grateful for a lunch time run - and today's was a good one 
Deciding upon the detail of my next masters assignment and starting work on it, which helps feel in control of the whole thing

(excuse the terrible state of the garden.  The lawn has been decimated by the fence going in and the hedge is being prepared for laying in a couple of weeks... so it all looks pretty dreadful!) 

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