It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

Pleased with the Day

I didn't get out first thing today. Just slept longer than usual.

I've just launched a new study for work yesterday and really got moving on recruitment today. It's a while since I've done it.....In my last one, I was astounded that I got close on 10,000 people. This study is much smaller and less time consuming. But because I was contacting people I've not been in touch with for a while and I think it's important to individualise emails, it took most of the day. What a joy that it went much better than planned! 

I did a very short Zwift race at lunchtime and rode well. More exercise in the evening with an outside PT class with Leszek. Apart from his rubbish music, it was fun! I then walked up to Real Foods but it was closed. Ha....a 15000 step day too. 

I did a bit of experimenting with this photo. Whilst OK, even at f16, I didn't get everything in focus with my macro lens! Better attempt next time! 

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