Psalmist with a camera

By jellyfox

The G6!!

Its always interesting to see a 'bunch' of people... (in this ....standing around having a deep discussion about something.....and wondering what on earth could be holding them in this huddle of concentration while the rest of the world passed by!

Give yourselves a treat.....Take a Peak

GK and I had just returned from visiting the other side of the city and the topic of conversation on the way back revolved around how manic and dangerous the driving in Dubai has become! the short time between New Year and now!

How anyone goes out and returns safely is nothing short of a miracle. Dubai has even put itself forward for being part of the Formula One one can only surmise what the standards will be like over the next few weeks and months before someone wakes up and comes to their senses! (That's presuming enough people are left alive to facilitate the change in road habits here!) The poster in the background says it all!!!

This was not my intended blip...but could not pass up on the opportunity to showcase the futility of it all!

They are in such a hurry to get somewhere......this happens.....and this G6 committee will now be here until the police arrive to issue the pink and green papers...and that could take anything up to a couple of hours....cos no-one fortunately, is injured! So what have they gained? Nothing!

But I gained a great blip topic!!

Happy Blipping Everyone!

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