The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Home Sweet Home...

...and watching for trespassing cats in the garden!

It was nice to get back in the old routine. A relative lie in as we woke at 6am, did the usual walk, eggs and hit the gym for a double session to make up for all my indulgence and lack of being healthy over the weekend. My body feels weak and like it's carrying a few extra pounds of water. Plus, I was really disappointed to find that the session felt like supremely hard work - but nevertheless, I did the whole lot.

Nipped in to town to pay in your salary cheque, out the dry cleaning in and my shoes to be re-soled and re-heeled. Whizzed home to collect the girls and we went to meet Philip (their trainer) for him to teach me a few tricks. The girls were awesome.

Came home to talk to you - crappy internet connection in Kathmandu, bugger bugger. Did some work, then took the girls out to try their new tricks in our neck of the woods. Specked it to go horribly wrong but they were even better than this morning! Chuffed!

Now I'm doing the ironing, more work, salmon for tea and an early night. Tomorrow I'm down in London for a course with the National Theatre - should be interesting!

Congratulations on your Ofsted outcome, seems like a fair reflection of your school which is good news. Hope you get a celebratory pat on the back by the Governors!!

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