The rest of forever...

By DrMac

A Day at The National

Well I thought the pre-5am alarm might have come as a shock but I was bright and breezy! The girls practised more training in the pitch black and were angelic...seriously, I pick up the whistle and they are glued to me like little bundles of curiosity, eager to see what I will ask them to do next. It is such good fun, all three of us seem to be enjoying it. Back to be house for me to do my intervals session, eat breakfast and get out to the train station. My train was cancelled (frickin typical!) but the next one came early and I managed to get to Waterloo and into the National with a minute to spare. Phew!

The course was looking at the use of voice, script, body language and status when we communicate with others. It was all practical, lots of drama stuff (not normally a fav of mine!) and being forced under the spotlight to explore our movements. I think I'm pretty good at this stuff when it is on a natural stage but I the forced stage I find it much harder. However, today was fabbo and when pushed a zillion miles from my comfort zone I really enjoyed it! I also took a new teaching colleague from work who grew in confidence throughout the day - that made me happy too!

We had lunch in the canteen of the National Theatre, surrounded by stars (none of whom I knew!) and fed the most amazing food. I picked up this tea towel as a souvenir of my visit!! The course finished at 5pm and I raced across London to get my train. Now I'm sat, scoffing a Pret tuna salad and drinking green tea. The girls will be cross with me for being away all day, so thought I should blip and eat now so that I can give them all my attention!

Anyway - looked at the tea towel and this 'P' jumped out at me.
Missing you.xx

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