
By JohnHeuston1

Advertising propositions: Chanel no.5

When we teach advertising on the course I lead, we embrace the new but we also hug the traditional. We pay homage to the classic ads, yes the Mad Men era, but before that even, up to 70s jingles and movement-creation ideas espoused by Strawberry Frog founder Scott Goodson.

It all starts at the very beginning, though, a very good place to start. We can talk about research-influenced ideas or creative genius. We go along with Rosser Reeves idea of a proposition. We can call it unique selling proposition, brand proposition, we can even delve sideways into the same bag and talk about strategy. It's all about the proposition. Get that right, and the ad strategy, the media choices even, the whole campaign can fall into place.

This pic is a pull-out ad from I believe Vogue from a year or two back and sits on my desk. Through the shimmering gold cover you may be able to make out 'Chanel no.5'. It's beautiful. It sits on my desk, and is a talking point for sure, but always admired. It's beautiful, but it's simple, and that's where the proposition comes in. Chanel no.5 is all about the aesthetic, the iconography, the design. The ad has all of that and more. It's conveyed then in the ad and in the media. So well done. Proper advertising.

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