Latest foster !! Achilles the wonder cat.
We have a chain of veterinary surgeries in South Warwickshire called AvonVale. They our our branch of cats protection vets ... when a stray unchipped cat is handed in they phone my boss Christina. She then goes about trying to locate owners and or if the cat is in a bad way and suffering will make a decision if no one can be found and it’s in the best interests of the animal... so Achilles thought to be a stray in the area had a fight with a car ... Achilles was in a bad way but responded to the vet and nurses and my boss said ‘do what you need , we will pay ‘ .. Achilles had his left back leg amputated and he had also broken his pelvis .. for a while we all waited for news in our foster forum as to Achilles potentially not pulling through or the worry his spine was damaged and he would be incontinent ... after 12 hours that amazing little cat pulled his way to a very very shallow litter tray in his cage and he bloody well used it .. to say we all cried is an understatement... the sheer will of animals .. he was of course highly medicated with pain relief. After that he went to a foster mum called Dee who had the hard job of keeping him contained for 6 weeks whilst he heeled. When he was ready we put him up for adoption .. off he went to his new home ... FOR A FEW DAYS .. where upon the people changed their minds because he was too active and rolled on the floor next to their curtains .. you could not make this shit up . On a scale of one to ten how angry do you think I am ? Dee having had an emergency foster all ready in place is naturally distressed but as I had got the empty cat room due to Minty loving by life down the road I got to take Achilles in . He has the most comical expressions on his furry face .. estimated age is a bit difficult but vets best guess between 2-4 years .... gorgeous isn’t he .
Lots of people often say to me ‘keep him/her’ I can’t . I have 7 cats with different needs ... they would make an adult cats life a misery , they tolerate the odd kitten but an adult cat with my tricky felines would not work .
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