Two weeks

Two weeks ago this evening I was sitting beside Richard's hospital bed, thinking, "That didn't go so well..."

Little did I know things would continue not going so well.

We're both finally feeling a lot better today, and I'm trying a glass of watered-down wine to celebrate.


Richard, Tess and I coughed our way to Woolacombe today where Richard and I realised we didn't really want to be there. We hung around bravely in the miserable grey light and cold wind and then struggled back up the dunes.

Joel's been to see friends and Gemma's finally got her passport update forms sorted and sent off today (EIGHTY POUNDS!!!) and will soon be able to prove she's 18 at last. It's expensive being 18.

I made lentil burgers and they were very nice but looked like poo and made a lot of rather unpleasant-looking mess around the kitchen.

The weather's gone all grim again, which is a massive shame but things and plants are beginning to shoot all around undeterred so I'm hoping our good burst lasts too.

(There's a dot on one of the clouds because I've got a spec inside my lens and can't be bothered to edit this crumby pic)

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