Off Centre

By RachelCarter

Ciao for now, TwitFace!

(That combination of Twitter and Facebook still makes me laugh)
I have logged out of Twitter and Facebook, dragged the links into the trash on my laptop and taken the apps off my phone. If I get round to continuing with blipfoto every day (and I hope I do even though it may be very boring!) those will appear on my Twitter and Facebook timelines automatically.

I did this about a year ago and again about 6 months ago. I think it's my version of a holiday - shutting out all the noise for a couple of weeks twice a year.

Although it's never like a holiday when I do it because it's actually due to the fact that I need to concentrate and get something done or have thinking time and Rachel-head-space time.

There's something I need to try to do now so I'm closing the airlock for a while, shutting out some of the buzzing... and ... well, basically, minding my own business.

Easily distracted, anxious people probably need to be forced into a quiet zone regularly for essential brain detox.

This something I need to do?
Well. Not telling... Yet.
There are 2 reasons for this:
1. I have this weird habit of explaining something I'm going to do so well, and visiting it in my imagination as if I am actually already doing it, that I jinx it or run out of steam or something... It's as if it becomes old and stale and I'm ready to move onto something new before I do it.
2. I get overwhelmed by things when I tell other people and forget why I'm doing them, almost like I'm not doing them for me anymore. I lose control when I share. It sounds totally nutty but I don't know how else to explain it.
I focus better when I'm on my own. Other people mess with my head! I like other people's thoughts words and even voices to be out of the way so I can concentrate solely on my own thought processes and my own expectations of myself.

We shouldn't care about other people's opinions but I always have - more than is healthy and I can't help that.

Anyway I have a tiny chance that was given to me last week. I have this week and next week to take the opportunity or waste it. So I'm going to grab it and see if it comes to any good.

I like how my box of teabags threw up this tag for me today :o)

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