Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Right of Way

There were hundreds of geese in the park when I passed by on my way to the grocery store.  As always, my camera was on the seat next to me so I parked and got some photos.  It was funny to watch people trying to get past them as they were blocking the sidewalk.  Some people just walked into the street to get around them, some tiptoed carefully past them so as not to disturb them but others just plowed through the flock and scattered them in all directions.  I liked this cyclist weaving his way through them.  I'm very easily entertained. :-)

I think that going to pick up a few groceries at a time, spending 15 minutes in the store, might be safer than doing a big shopping where I'm in the store for over an hour.  So, I'm going to try that tactic.  We're pretty well stocked but I needed a few ingredients for turkey enchiladas tonight.  I am grateful to PD for volunteering to make them while I'm on my Zoom meeting from 5 to 7 PM. :-)

I'm going to try to visit everyone and sprinkle stars tonight and get back to commenting tomorrow.  I'm having a hard time keeping up, as usual, and I don't want to get any further behind! xx

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