Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom


I never know where I might see him.  Today he was in one of the gift shops I visited, and definitely overdressed for the 73 degree day.  I spent several hours walking around downtown, visiting and spending money at the small businesses.  I thought I should do that before I moved on to the bigger stores (or Amazon).  I didn't have anything special in mind but I found some interesting gifts, supported local merchants and walked over 7000 steps.  A good venture all around. :-)

My extra is looking into a thrift shop window.  I like the reflections but I really took the photo because I had that exact stereo when I was a young teen.  It must be at least 50 years old.  

I am not going to fret about being behind on Blip again, but I do apologize in advance for my lack of comments during the upcoming  busy month.  Stars and hearts will be sprinkled as regularly as possible, though.

I am grateful to have made a small start on my Christmas shopping.  I have two packages to be mailed so I need to get busy on those next!

This is Monday's blip, backblipped on Tuesday.

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