How does everyone else do it?

So I had yet another miserable day at work. I was ridiculously stressed and frustrated.

I felt like curling up again under my duvet like last night. But it's Wednesday. So I didn't. I went to my running club and boy, I'm glad I did!

We ran 7.5 (plus a half mile warm up and half mile cool down) miles over 4 circuits of 5 hill/speed laps. I decided to skip my recovery on the first circuit and my run leader asked why on my 3rd lap. I told him about my day and he told me about his crap day too. We decided to beat the shit out of that circuit. And we did just that!

Running is the ultimate stress buster. How does everyone else do it? If I didn't run, I'd be a mess. Running keeps me stable, keeps me sane.

Exercise: 8.5 mile run (+ 2.5 mile walk home as I missed the bus. This isn't included in my mileage below)
February running mileage: 79 miles
2013 running mileage: 188 miles

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