Barbon by night (nearly)

Sometimes on a Friday afternoon, I'll come home from work via Barbon, stopping off to take a run along the valley and back. (I think I've posted the view in my Extra several times previously.) Of course, as the nights draw in, I'm having to go earlier and earlier.

Today, I changed into my running gear just after Steve left the office to collect his kids from school, and I was across and parked up in the lay-by where Barbon Beck passes under the A683 by a quarter to four.

I had an odd anxiety about the run - like something bad was going to happen - and maybe as a consequence of that I didn't really feel like running, but OF COURSE everything was fine and by the time I was running back through the woods below Barbon Manor, I felt on great form.

I had timed it perfectly, albeit inadvertently, though; whilst it was still light enough for running through the trees, it was pretty much dark when I arrived back at the car fifteen minutes later.

-12.3 kgs
Reading: 'The Vanishing Half' by Brit Bennett

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