Number Nine

I did a couple of video presentations from the Minx's place, this morning, before heading up to the office, where I had a fairly productive afternoon, after which I went to pick up Dan and Abi from their mum's. 

I'd planned to cook for them, this evening, but apparently I'd told them we could go to Number Nine for dinner. Fair enough! They were both hungry so we went straight there, only to find the restaurant doesn't open until six. We considered our options, decided this was definitely where we wanted to eat, and so popped around to Avanti for a drink while we waited for Number Nine to open.

And eventually we had a very enjoyable meal there. I went to take this picture of Abi who, upon realising she was being photographed switched to a slightly more sinister look!

-12.3 kgs
'Look To Windward' by Iain M Banks

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