Da Rayburn is Cold

A showery morning, and then the sun came out by lunchtime.  More showers in the afternoon, and clear skies tonight.  Fairly breezy earlier.

First day off for my week's holiday, and a lazy morning around the house.  Headed out walkies with Sammy around Scalloway.  Me and Sammy headed out for a run in the afternoon.  On the way home, popped by Madeline's.  Mam and dad popped along this evening, and then headed out to see friend Alan.  

A fairly soggy walk on foot, but we plodded on.  As we approached an old abandoned croft, a shower came over and we headed inside for shelter.  This old croft house has a more modern feel about it, almost like a prefab house from the war, and not a typical Shetland house.  Not much inside, but a cold Rayburn and that hole in the roof, once the Rayburn kept a family warm.  Taken at Roeneap, Sandwick, Hillswick.  

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