Capital adventures

By marchmont

Tropical storm

It was realtively cool last night and first thing this morning - all the doors and windows were opened to get as much draught possible.

these new apartment blocks are not sympathetic to the climate. They don't have the high ceilings and louvred doors of the traditional buildings. Instead the concrete traps the heat, there are no shutters to block the sun when it does shine and the position of the windows and the neighbouring blocks mans that most of the interior is dark and gloomy all day, necessitating lights being on. G and WH try not to use the AC too much (cost) but they still haven't got round to installing ceiling fans so inside for most of the day it is uncomfortable hot and sticky, and dark.

#2 son was up early and I wasn't far behind. We said goodbye to WH who was returning to work after her holiday, and wedding then I answered some of his questions as he organised the next leg of his trip - to Thailand and Cambodia. As usual he leaves things till the very last minute, that included getting currency 5 minutes before he got the taxi. He says it's exciting. I used to be like that but now ....

I saw him off in the taxi, bought a KL Christmas ball (!) and came back to find #1 son, having been roused at 10.30, had gone back to bed. When he did get up it was to spend all afternoon playing his computer game, the reason he bought a desktop I suspect. i could comment but i won't. Nearly 31 and a pile of dishes in the sink and ironing in the 'maid's room'!! There you see I have commented.

I went to the pool and swan=m and read and dozed. I don't know why but I get so tired here - doing nothing. Must be the heat. there was sun at first and then the tropical storm started. I had a bit of a swim in the pool, in the rain but the huge droplets kept splashing my eyes, so I sloshed back up to the apartment and sat on the balcony doing cross stitch, watching the stair rods and listening to the thunder and lightning. These storms are amazing.

Last night we spent over an hour in the car getting to the night market in Cheras. Tonight, about an hour later than I'd been told, Shan drove #1 son, #2 Wen and me to #7 auntie's in Shah Alam for a New Year open house. It took over 90 minutes to do 15 kms, and 30 on the way back. the traffic here is appalling and quite unsustainable. Gridlock in rush hour.

We eventually got there after 8.30 and had some lovely food. Then the gambling started - a game with 5 cards which requires no skill and which I could just about have played, Mahjongg (in the kitchen) and poker. #1 son and I watched for a bit and then I ended up kind of watching 'Rio' on the tv with the sound on very low. Just as well it's an animation! I think it must e hard for him at these large family gatherings (at least 5 aunties and offspring) as everyone is speaking Mandarin and eventually you do feel left out. Grandmother was there. She has 15 great grandchildren, some of whom were there.

I spoke to WH cousin whose uni is twinned with Toulouse. She is doing French and was in Foix and Toulouse last year. Small world.

It was nearly midnight by the time we got back, too late to blip. I think the bride and groom watched the wedding video, till late.

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