Capital adventures

By marchmont

Snapped in KL

When you're a singelton, and travel alone, it is always difficult getting photos of yourself. I don't have long arms, often there isn't a convenient platform to do a timer shot and strangers can't be relied upon (why do they always chop feet off?). The shiny balls atop the posts in the park at KLCC meant I could get this shot of me, and you know it's KL as you can see the twin Petronas Towers, bent, off to the left.

I took the public transport to the KLCC, leaving later than planned after some tidying, including the ironing pile. The bus goes through Kampung Segambut, the Malay village that must, until relatively recently, have been out in the country. It is very odd seeing the corrugated roofed houses and shacks of the kampung towered over by the upscale towers and condominiums of Mont' Kiara. Not as stark a juxtaposition as SA, but a reminder of the ongoing gulfs in Malaysian society. Mont' Kiara is an odd enclave, carved out of the jungle of Bukit Kiara, inhabited by the wealthy, expats, Chinese etc but with only 2 roads in and out as it is marooned between 3 noisylebuhraya (highways) and the hill.

So to KLCC, a giant air conditioned mall under the Petronas Towers. Somehow I'd missed it the last time. It has all the usual suspects, Gucci, Mont Blanc, Chanel, Topman, M&S, Ferragamo etc etc. You could be anywhere.

I bought some stuff, wandered around the gardens at the rear and watched the fountains, one of the few open green spaces in central KL, had a late lunch (disappointing beef rendang), bought some more souvenirs and came home via public transport. Not really a good choice as it was another torrential downpour and I got very, very, VERY wet walking from the LRT to the bus, to the bank (in case I could find a taxi) and back to the bus. The traffic was its usual gridlock so I didn't get home till after 7. However, this time I'd taken a book.

#1 son now has the lurgy and had been in bed most of the day, #1 d in l got in just behind me so we skipped #2 auntie's open house and had pizza and embryo chocolate truffles catching up on 'The Big Bang Theory' and 'Modern Family'. I went to bed early. My back and leg are sore - must have been that bus!

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