Destruction by fire...

This is the scene that greeted me when I returned home from spending an afternoon downtown at my photo club meet. I had my phone turned off so no idea of what was transpiring and was being covered by the news too...

We have a large warehouse on our property, which is used by the family catering business. At about five this evening, it went up in flames and now stands gutted and burned down. 75 firefighters and six full tankers of water were called in to contain the blaze (there was no 'saving' the building) over the next four hours.

By the time I got home, things were wrapping up. After ascertaining that no-one was injured, my first thought was: "Are you kidding me??? I missed all these great photo opps?!" Sigh... I guess reality will catch up in the morning, when we see the full extend of the damage.

I'm slightly nervous about going to bed; there is still smoldering and our house is just up the hill from the warehouse. Perhaps I'll stay up and catch up on some TV shows, while waiting for the firefighters to come by every hour to check status...

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