Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

After the Rain (well, Snow!)

On Wednesdays this semester I work in the Writing Center from 11:30-1:50. As I drove the back way through Norco's horse country to get to the campus, I was hoping for a moment of "spectacular" and this was it. I was elated! And only sorry that I couldn't just pause and stare for a long long time at Mt. Baldy with frosting.

I recommend tapping the magnifying glass under the photo to see this in BIG!

The time in the lab was long and crazy and the place needs the Director and the college administrators to get some "calm" happening soon. I realize that part of the chaos is just the beginning of the semester.

Then the other big issue is the two online programs that my students are using this semester as a supplement to the Blackboard Online Course that we use. Many elements of adding on these two programs have gone upside down. Just to mention one is that another instructor had her students use one of the programs, so her textbook was package with that program and my textbook (same as hers) was packaged with the two programs that I want my students using. Well, her book is $9 cheaper, so without realizing it many of my students bought her version of the book. Then many of my students went online to buy the book from wholesalers. They did not get the two programs at all. So they are having to purchase them directly from the publisher. If this wasn't such a mess, it would be funny. Tonight, I'm not laughing.

More on this scenario later, for now I'm going to put my head on the pillow and hope to dream about viewing Mt. Baldy.

Good night from a very cold Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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