Emily Clicks

By emilyclicks

Eggs-ellent-ly bad pun

It seems like a very long time ago that I ate this egg...it was hours ago. In fact, it was yesterday because as I'm typing this it just turned a minute past midnight.

This morning I went for another run. It looks as though what I agreed to is going to go ahead...and so the training has moved to another level. Two whole miles this morning, go me!

After the running (and the recovery) I needed something to eat and remembered the duck eggs I got from the Chairman at work. I've never had duck eggs before. I didn't like them! So instead I boiled a regular shop-bought egg but by this point I was really hungry and impatient and I didn't leave it long enough so again, I didn't like it. I'm quite fussy when it comes to eggs!

We had a wander into town and while we were there had a call from some friends. Arranged a quick coffee and waffle break (yum), then back to the flat for a quick tidy up ready for Adam and Lisa arriving. They're staying the night - tomorrow we're going to see ASIMO (the Honda robot), I'm really hoping they'll allow photography so I can blip him tomorrow!

Night all.

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