Out and about in town
I was curious to see what day one in Tier 3 would be like in the city centre. And I wanted to have a browse in Waterstones, looking for books for the grandchildren.
It was busy - well, not 'busy' as it would normally be in the run-up to Christmas. But there were plenty of people, in and out of the shops. Plenty of masks, plenty of social distance.
I passed this busker - Tony Black - as I was walking through the centre. Normally I don't find it easy to ask people if they mind me taking photos, it always takes an effort. I did ask (having dropped some money into the pot first, only fair). And he was fine with it. We had a short chat about how he's doing as a singer-songwriter, somewhat in the Billy Bragg mode. In the absence of the usual opportunities for gigs and tours, he's living back with his family and making do, combining busking with some online teaching. It sounded hard. I hope it starts to get easier in 2021.
He's on Facebook and bandcamp as Tony Black and the Collectors. Look him up if you can. He brought some lovely tunes to a struggling city centre this morning.
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