is the prompt for today' s photo challenge. I thought straight away that this star ornament on our Christmas tree would fit the bill rather well. From yesterday, my favourite festive film is of course, Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas! I know at least one person guessed it!
Another Metheringham day today. I was shocked to discover last night via Facebook that a van had crashed into the old cross monument at the High Street junction. It is now broken into pieces! I may have Blipped it but for doing the challenge but as it was I was rather glad not to have to risk taking my phone out in the rain. Apparently there is a time capsule from 70-odd years ago in the base!
The rain today has been relentless, and it's been cold with it too. The trainers I bought in summer are no good for this time of year at all. They may keep my feet cool on warm days, but on days like today I may as well have sandals on. My feet have been wet and cold all day!
My Mum was in one of her more difficult moods today and my Dad was really struggling with her. His blood sugar dropped, which didn't help. I made their lunch and he wasn't too bad after he'd had that. He relies on my visits and would like me to go more often but she hates my presence so much that her moods almost defeat the object.
When Grace collected me I really wanted to just go home, have a coffee and warm up/dry out but I had to get her to drop me in town so I could collect my prescription from Boots! It was still raining so I did what I had to do and came home. I'm just about thawed out now.
Tomorrow I have a visit to the hairdresser so I hope the weather will be a little better!
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