Guess What The Weather Was Like This Morning?

That's right - it was snow and ice.
I quite liked the look of it thought the textured glass in the front door (there is no camera movement or special effects in the pictures I took (over with the s&n shot), but wasn't wasn't as happy with it when I went out to pick Sloes for making Sloe Gin (it froze my fingers) after having cut back some plant material to put in the garden waste  bin (I had a chicken carcass to put in there and I didn't want it lying in the bottom where it would stick, rot and smell and not come out when the bin men arrived in 3 weeks).

I had to go down to the shop to get some gin so did the shopping I had planned for first thing tomorrow. That was a mistake. I should have just got the gin and got the hell out of Dodge and done the shopping when it was much, much quieter.

However, the Sloes were washed, sliced and put in a mason jar with the gin and some sugar. Roll on next winter.

I tried pressing and drying a rose in the microwave (wrong type of flower really) and then photgraphed it ane a couple of other flowers sved from SWMBO's grubby mitts as they were heading for the compost heap.... have a look over HERE. You can stop when you reach the 2nd black shot.

A Zoom meeting this evening from the on-line camera club down south .... no idea what the subject is (it is always fun to get a surprise).

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