Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

The end is in sight

We started decorating at the beginning of September.

We are now on the final stretch.

It's taken ages but it's effectively two rooms and we have had to do it in stages shuffling furniture and all that comes with fitting in work and Little Mouse activities.

It's nice having a bit of a reshuffle of stuff. We have reduced the bookcases and hoping we will be able to fit in a small dinning table. I am actually very excited about the prospect of a dinning table.

Of course we now also need to find room for a small fish tank, although maybe he has forgotten.

He hasn't.

My dad has an old one so we just need to sort out heater, filter, decorations and then fish. He wanted a gold fish. I think I have talked him round to tropical which will be more suitable for a small tank.

He is still going to have to wait though as money sadly doesn't grow on trees

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