Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

This is how we roll

Still sick.

But we pulled all the urchins presents out from various hiding places and decided on birthday and Christmas.

Stocking fillers separated. Christmas Eve things put in the Christmas Eve box, the rest of which I need to sort (ticket to home movie, popcorn and hot chocolate). Advent activities located, little craft kits and things located things for us to do.

I did manage to get all of the birthday presents wrapped. So we just need to locate the decorations and hopefully I will be up to making a cake, if not I will head to M&S, but it would be nice to be well enough to make one for a change. I did manage to make his first ever birthday cake.

Had some sad news new baby to the extended family needed a life saving operation, thankfully operation seems to have been a success.

It's been an odd day.

I did too much.

Ear hurting.

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