Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Christmas Cards

This is as close as it gets in our house. We don’t do Christmas cards. Stopped years ago. We are so connected as a society these days that the sending of a tokenistic piece of cardboard every December feels like a racket and an insult to the environment, particularly as most people don’t even bother writing anything meaningful. 

But I am no scrooge. In fact I am feeling very Christmassy at the moment, the house is so lovely and beautifully lit. I did sit on a garland that TSM had left on the settee this morning; a pine cone between the cheeks may be festive but is not a recommended way to start a Thursday, although it probably qualifies as the most excitement I had on a filthy wet working day when I was too busy and too afraid to venture out. TSM has also instructed me to keep my nose well covered if I do leave the house as there was a doctor on the radio yesterday saying that a cold wet proboscis is a breeding ground for Covid. I might stick some cotton wool up each nostril and design a custom made nose warmer…

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