Advent, the four Sundays and weeks before Christmas, comes from the Latin, 'Coming'.
For many, there are three meanings of 'coming' in Advent. The first, when Jesus came as a baby. The second, each day as Jesus inhabits our thinking and doing. And the third in the future when Jesus comes back again.
We’re not sure when Advent was first celebrated but it seems to date back to at least 567 when monks were ordered to fast during December leading up to Christmas.
In medieval times there were early forms of Nativity scenes called 'advent images' or a 'vessel cup'. They were a box, often with a glass lid, covered with a white napkin, with two dolls representing Mary and baby Jesus. The box was decorated with ribbons, flowers and apples. They were carried around from door to door and people paid the box carriers a halfpenny to see the box.
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