Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Sledging for Beginners

More snow this morning to replace the stuff that had practically melted by 11pm. I got woken up at 4:45am by a loud thunder clap. I looked out of the widow, and it was snowing pretty heavily. Went back to sleep ok. When it was time to get up, it had already started to melt It, wlthough we had a few more cms than yesterday. 

During a busy morning at work, the rain starts.

The rain has stopped for a bit, so went for a wee walk. The local park is popular with younger children for sledging. The slope isn't too far, and, unlike Braidburn Valley Park, doesn't have a stream at the bottom to fall in to if you don't stop in time. Anyway, quite a few people have taken the opportunity to take the kids to the local park for a bit of sledging (Friday is a a half school day in Edinburgh). When my kids were bigger, I always took then to the Braid Hills. The slopes are longer, and a bit steeper. Much more fun. Halfway around my walk, it starts raining quite heavily, I follow the cleared footpath back to my house. I am a bit damp.

A busy afternoon, but I get to finish a bit early and have a coffee. It is still raining quite heavily, so I will give the after work walk a miss. Instead I update Windows on a couple of PCs, and watch the Repair Shop instead.

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