Sanity is over-rated...

Writing cards is a taxing job for someone who migrated from pen to keyboard so many decades ago. But fun. Card writing is a tradition that keeps us in touch with folk we've maybe not seen in a long time - and frankly this year that's everybody! But it's done now.

It's not Yule yet, but since the Christmas and Yule cards have all been done and most of them posted, and nothing else of note having happened... well... it's probably Gin time. This will be our social media greetings card!

The tree is a bit smaller this year, but then again it's only us that are likely to spend much time looking at it. Charlie will be here a few days but I doubt we will dare to have visitors. Our tree is a story tree; the ornaments hanging on it tell the history of our household and friendships...

The fairy is older than I am, well into her retirement and never even a fresh tutu! She graced my childhood trees and maybe she'll grace more yet. Late last night we were amazed to find a shield bug climbing out from under her shirts and onto her head. Shame it wasn't Tiny Tuesday.

The 24-carat gold plated mistletoe is a gift from a lovely Druid friend, the glass soldier is Janet's work. Mrs Hichens is there; a larger lady now passed into mystery. Ceramic eggs from Austria... Tin kangaroos from family in Australia... it all tells the tale.

Other trees are more shapely, more prettily decorated. This is ours.

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