Week 38 Day 266 Day Tier 3 Day 6 - Helpful Elves

Decided to  try to make Crusty Roll.  So far so good  they are looking OK but time will tell when we have them with our soup later.

Made another small wall hanging in the shape of a Christmas Bauble.

While I attended to something in the kitchen I left it on the table ready to to turn  to the  right side

I heard a sound as the elves slip down the radiator.

Look Elf said Safety she has gone to attend to something in the kitchen.
OK Safety said Elf - I will go inside and help to pull it out and you hold the top part,
Righto said Elf
On My said safety this is very hard work  and it is so big
We have nearly done it now  Elf replied

When I came back I saw that they had been working very hard and look quite tired.

Thank you kindly I said that is a great help and you can go back to your shelf now.

Bye they said we will ge good now

Another dull and miserable day 

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