Spare tyre

Early walk down the field before breakfast makes for a great start to the day. Two deer across the river but too quick to get my phone out.
Few jobs then out for a run. I love running when it’s this cold, I have gloves on and needed to put my hood up for a while, but it was great fun. Passed the snowman on the way out of the village so stopped to take the photo on the way back. Hay bale and tyre.
Hubby said I was showing off because I stopped to get my phone out and took the shot before he caught up, he was right.
Took Hetty out again after lunch and collected stuff to make door decoration, then made it when we got back, see extra.
Made some shortbread, not done that in a long time but hubby said he fancied it rather than a cake, and it’s quick to make.
Hubby cooking this evening but when he went to the fridge he couldn’t find the chilled stuff he had put in the trolley in Waitrose and then realised he must have put it in someone else’s trolley, quite funny and a change of plan for dinner.
Walked round the village this evening to look at all the decorations and they do look splendid. Another grand day.

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