The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Grumpier than a grumpy thing ..

The day got off to a promising start .. mum went off to her art group and I enjoyed having a couple of hours without having to cater to her every need .. when she came home she proudly presented me with the Easter card she'd made me!

We had lunch .. and after doing some chores I decided to get out for a bit of air and photography..

Went to Kiplingholme - and saw buzzards and red kites and a gorgeous kestrel. I took dozens of photos but it was so dull and gloomy that none of them are great.

Came home, made tea (funny - this meal was called dinner when I lived in London - but back in Hull it's 'tea' again!)

Mum normally goes to bed after tea and I enjoy a free evening. Not today - she just wouldn't go and I got increasingly wound up.

So, in order to escape from the house before I committed matricide I went out to feed the foxes.

To start with it was the 3 white tipped foxes there - they rarely take any food, and I'd always assumed it was because they were subservient to the brave one .. but 2 of them DID take food ... then the brave one turned up and took food as well ..

When I ran out of food they all settled down, looking at me - the wimpy white tipped one in the distant shadows .. the brave little one sat directly in front of me .. another white one lay in front of me (about 12 feet away) .. and the final white one curled up about 25 feet away and went to sleep!

There we all stayed for the next 50 minutes .. and the brave little one occasionally mooched about, and sat down in a different spot after a bit of a stretch.

Then I went in .. and after another half hour of resisting, mum finally went to bed ..

Funny how my blip entries start with a ramble about my day .. and my blip photo rarely has anything to do with it!

Here's Oscar the visiting cat, who called by this morning ..

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