The boys are back together again. The other two owners in Buddy's field wanted the fence to be taken down so they have access to a huge field with knee high grass. Buddy has piled on the weight since moving from his summer field. This is despite being exercised 3-4 times per week - I really can't manage any more than that. He's just eating so much!!

So I've moved Buddy in with Lime again so I have better control over what he eats. Lime was so pleased to have his bruv back. But I have to do a bit of juggling letting lime into another area of the field for a few hours a day as he needs access to more grass as he's older and has crap teeth. Also need to try to stop Limes fields getting churned up. But the extra faffing is time consuming.

I had the farrier for Lime this morning after doing an early dog walk. Buddy also had his vacs. Then we did a 30 minute schooling session with Bud doing lots of fat busting cantering! He was fab.

Had another lunchtime dog walk to do with a gorgeous group then home for a spot of late lunch before taking Tobes back to the yard to ride. We got some good trot work in before the icy rain started. So impressed with Tobes. He never complains at the yard about being cold or wet. He just gets on with it and helps out with the jobs, often without being asked.

Dog biscuit production is on going tonight! House stinks of peanut butter.

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