Lights Camera..

and action takes place tomorrow. I now hear that one carer and her manager will come tomorrow at around 12noon. N will arrive after 8 to work and to meet and greet and then C shod arrive mud afternoon.

My handyman was here at 930. He put grab rails up cut a new window cill, trimmed a curtain track., cut to size and fitted two new blinds, plus he fitted one made to measure. Did some filling after the electrician left a chunk of plaster missing and then put my Christmas lights up and he was gone by 2pm. A useful bloke to know.
He's coming back in the new year to fit more blinds and do a couple of fiddly jobs. We are just about ready..

I had a small shop delivered this evening and British Gas rang to say they couldn't possibly service my boiler, even though they're contracted to do it. I told them to stuff it as I was having a new boiler in 2021 and I wouldnt be using them to service it ever again....

Thank you all so much for your encouragement and your love.

Pizza for tea horrid!

I'll be back tomorrow sometime..

Richard x

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