Asha Smasher

Great to Skype M&M this morning...also great to find this coat in store for Asha. Her Christmas present from Nana! She looks constantly cold at the moment, but I reckon this fur lined coat will do the trick and keep her toasty - she's delighted. 
We went and did our Sole wave, I was naughty and got my big camera out to snap her. Zooming in (a lot) I can actually see her face between the bars!!!! Amazing!
We popped out to see this sunset tonight, and then to go get Asha's photos for her new residency documentation. Because of Brexit we've got to change all of our paperwork - a bit of a nightmare really. BUT once it's done, it's done for 10 years, so that's good. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Time getting some Christmas things sorted with Danny this morning.
2) Having the joy of being the middle men between a friend giving an old bike away and a homeless friend receiving it. Danny's had it serviced so it should be in good working order!
3) Getting out and seeing sunset, even if it was a slog encouraging the kids to leave the warm flat. 

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