Super Stef

I’ve nicked Stef’s photo for my blip...I’m cheating, just so you know!
An unexpected morning when my babysitting job (Tiago) cancelled as I was getting my boots on to go to the bus true ibiza style, they cancelled because it was raining. Hahaha, I still find this hilarious as a genuine reason to stop life and plans. Anyway I ended up having a very productive morning, so it worked out well!
Tonight was Stef’s last night before she goes away for Christmas. London is her other home when she’s not in her actual home (Australia). She’ll be gone til the end of jan - I’ll miss our early morning coffees in the school café. We went to a friends little taco restaurant - so much flavour packed into each mouthful...delish.

Today I’m grateful for;
1) a friend on the streets who started the day with texts to me about ending life, and ended the day having been given a job as a gardener!! He’s over the moon...He feels some hope...
2) This friend Stef. She’s been a gift.
3) Getting cards and earrings sent this morning. I’m not sure when I’d have been able to if it hadn’t been for rain!

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