Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom


We went out for a drive to look at Christmas lights tonight.  So many houses had very elaborate decorations.  They were all eye-catching but this one was the widest so it's my blip for Wide Wednesday.  Take a look in large if you have a minute.  It looks so much better!  Many thanks to Bob'sBlips for faithfully hosting the challenge!

The evening started with Piper, her dad and I following Becky and Darrin and their dogs to the park for a walk around to look at the light display.  Sadly, only about a third of the lights were on.  Either something blew a fuse or they had been vandalized.  We would like to believe the former.  We're hoping that it gets repaired before Christmas so we can go back to see it.  We had a nice time being out for a walk together, though, and the dogs were beyond happy to see each other.  I'm always grateful for family time. :-) 

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