
.... she is crackers.
But I love every inch of her.

3years 124days
A way too early start from Miss Katie after a 6pm bedtime. She was on an eating mission -- 2 bananas, cereal bar, milk, raisins and more were consumed before nursery, where she sat down immediately to cornflakes like I'd not fed her since bedtime!

Another "sleepsuit to nursery" day. They're accepting it as "Just Katie" now and have adopted my 'so long as she's happy, what does it matter' attitude. Its only 18 months til she has to wear school uniform every day, I'm happy to go with her for this time now!

POST NURSERY EDIT: I got to see Katie's smile file today. The little monkey clearly hasnt fully cooperated when lesley has asked her to do pencil control tasks, or her name writing practice! She can do her name on her own and refused to even copy it properly! Little monkey!! But theres some adorable photos of her having a really happy time with her friends, mainly her and Brooke. A gorgeous photo of a very cheeky Katie the Builder. And a post-it note observation from a time Katie was dancing around the preschool with a teatowel on her head "playing in the rain". Lesley said that this afternoon, Katie was really in the mood to do some things with her and spent a very long time doing "bigger than, smaller than", odd ones out, numbers, shape copying and more and impressed Lesley. So she CAN do it - just on her terms!

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