Lunch For One At A Distance, Southbank, London

A half day at work today so decided to venture to the Southbank for a walk along the river. It was yet another grey, murky day and the Southbank felt as if it was in partial hibernation, which I suppose it was in some way. I saw this woman eating her lunch while taking a social distancing to another level altogether. The dramatic architecture made her seem more vulnerable and overpowered but she was probably just sheltering from the spots of rain that had begun to appear.
Of course, by the time I got on the train to come home the sun bloody well came out - typical!
Today was also the day our staff exhibition at work was being set up so I made sure to get my framed photographs up to the gallery. It is an added bonus of working for an auction house that once a year you get to display your artworks in a gallery in Central London. The cost of doing that for yourself in the same location would be a fortune!

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