
By ValandJules

Day 1 of the Alphabet challenge - Z - Zennor

Jules & I have decided to start an alphabet challenge by visiting different places,towns, villages etc starting with a different letter of the alphabet. We'll be doing them in a random order and for a place to qualify we have to stay for at least a drink. We'll be doing it on our days off together, so it may take a little while to get through it, but bear with us.

Day 1. Zennor. As it was a sunny day we decided to go for a drive on the coast road and en-route we stopped off at the Tinners Arms in Zennor. The Tinners is a small cozy pub and as it was blowing a hoolie outside we were glad to see an open fire inside. It was a tad smokey in there and the coffee wasn't great but we were just happy sit by the cosy fire and chat.

We carried on along the coast road to Lands End. When we got there we decided to park up the road and walk into the attraction as we didn't want to pay £3 for parking especially as most of the place looked closed. We had the obligatory Lands End Sign photo taken but I can't figure out yet how to post a second picture on blip so you'll just have to take my word for it. Something I'll no doubt learn as we go along. We initially thought the bar was closed, but on further inspection found the door open. We stayed for a soft drink and admired the view for a while while we discussed whether Lands End was a place or not and if we could include it on our A-Z. Is it a village/place or is it an attraction or something else? It's up to you to decide if we can count it as our 'L'. So comments please...

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