
By ValandJules

Day 2 of the Alphabet Challenge - A - Angarrack

So most people I know only visit Angarrack to see the Christmas Lights, but we thought we'd go and have a look at it in the daylight for a change.

There's not an awful lot to the village but as with so many of these small villages the pub, The Angarrack Inn ,was at the heart of it.

The pub is only small but is cosy with an open fire and friendly staff. It had a quite unusual model train track running around the top of the bar ceiling. Not what you'd normally expect to see in a pub, but it kept us entertained for a few minutes whilst drinking our coffees.

For those of you who don't know anything abour Angarrack, it is only a short distance from Hayle just off the Loggans Moor roundabout on the A30.

The village name comes from 'An Garrek' which means 'The Rock' in the Cornish language.

Hopefully we should get to another location on Thursday so keep your eyes peeled for our next blip....and don't forget to share!!

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