New hair cut

Another busy day assisting Zizi to get C ready for her hair appointment. Lots of visits from Nicola, as C has gained a little weight and needed some new clothing which N went and sorted out. Soon after the haircuts (I had mine done too). The OT/ physio called to check in things. He changed the toilet surrounds and raised the shower to tge correct height. He as lso advised us to buy a new bed for C. The one she's in is too low and was never meant for sleeping on longterm. So N on the case bought a 2nd hand base as the current mattress is fine and she and R are collecting tomorrow along with a headboard. So chopping and changing at the weekend ho him.
Zizi has also suggested we buy a recliner C h air that will stand you up too. So on Monday we are looking at buying at least 2 of these one for each of us in the lounge. More shunting around., but I can see the advantages of doing this.

C was aittle more relaxed today. Not so much hallucinating and as the day went on seemed to grow in confidence. In bed by 8 tonight which was great for everyone.

Merlot is not sure about either of the girls and dashes thru the house to my bedroom where we both are now. Hopefully he will recognise Carol soon which would help her alot I think.

So another load of stuff ordered from Amazon with more to arrive at the weekend.

Zi Zi cooked tonight which was great. I'm feeling decidedly knackered and won't be long before my eyelids grow heavy.

Thank you all for calling in each day itmeans alot.
Sorry I'm not even visit g your journals at the moment but hopefully when things settle I'll be back..

Stay safe



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