Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Movie afternoon

Another dreich day, though it was mostly dry. Elizabeth and Archie went off in her car to visit Auntie Helen for afternoon tea. 

We decided to out to B&Q to get some essentials for the DIY task we’re contemplating. The out-of-town shopping centre was absolutely mobbed! We got our bits and pieces and didn’t hang around.

Popped in to the corner shop to get some delicious ‘San Fransisco’ sourdough bread for lunch. What used to happen on wet Saturdays? I remember - we went to the movies.  So we watched a movie, one I had recorded ages ago - ‘The Goldfinch’. We’d both read the book, but really enjoyed the film, too. Even though it was nearly three hours long!

Photo by Elizabeth

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