Walking in Reykjavik

Three quite different things in todays calendar which is a rare thing. First up was an early morning swimming session, I got lucky and bagged a cancellation late last night. After a three week closure I was prepared for cool water and instead it was toasty warm, apparently they always ramp up the temperature in December. I’m getting used to sharing a lane with three others, and I always seem to have the changing room to myself. I was home with the paper for a leisurely second breakfast just after nine.
Second was an online meeting of my preferred holiday company, mainly about governance in a time of covid and beyond. Impeccably chaired, well organised pre-recorded contributions and a speedy and efficient voting system. 
The technology didn’t work quite so smoothly for the virtual Walking Tour of Reykjavik. I’ll watch the recording again later. The blip is downtown Reykjavik, Laekjargata (the main drag) I think. One of my favourite places to swim, run, and eat hot dogs and ice cream dipped in chocolate. I noticed I was joined by #2 son and my cousin. 

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