
By Jamjar

Online booking

Booking my flights with good old Ryanair is always straightforward, fly into Bristol and back out of East Midlands, it's what comes next that I find quite stressful.

I have to work out the best order in which to visit various family members, bearing in mind that I need to allocate weekends to those who are at work, and then decide how many days to spend where. Then comes the fun part of working out how I'm going to get from one member of the family to the next when they are spread from the Bath and Bristol area, through to Cheltenham, over to Fulham via Hampshire and ending up in Derby ready to catch the return flight from East Midlands.

Usually it's cheaper to travel by train, but I have to check for each journey before actually booking the tickets, which can take quite a long time... it will be well worth it to see all of my family though :-)

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