
By Jamjar

Choking chimney

Our chimney from the roof terrace, the smoke blowing this way and that and often down into the narrow street to choke passers-by.

You would think that with living in a small village, surrounded by open countryside, the quality of the air would be reasonable if not excellent. But no.

In the countryside there are two hazards... I often have to walk through the smoke produced by folk burning their olive/almond/vine prunings, and if they're not burning they're busy spraying with God knows what. If I'm lucky enough to have a smoke/chemical free walk with Jasper, as soon as I get back into the village I have to breathe in the fumes from everyone's chimneys, and unfortunately it's a steep climb up to our street and it's hard not to breath through my mouth. Jasper of course keeps his open.

You'd think that it would be better for your health to live here than in a large city, but I'm not so sure. Now just remind me why I gave up smoking three years ago!

This is a blipmoan I admit, and the last was here.

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